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Buffalo News Unsure of Year

Paul Hastings
Nickel City News Staff

BUFFALO - January 2nd, 2000 marks a day everyone was convinced the Y2K Bug was just a footnote in history. But with no mentionable glitches anywhere else in the world, the Advertising Department of The Buffalo News doesn't seem so sure on the exact year it is. The Employment Section, Section I, Sunday, January 2, 1999 just came out? But the cover is only off by a year -- the rest of the section is headed with the date "Sunday, January 2, 1900." Now that's more like it. At least they gave themselves a full hundred years to fix their date problem. Glitch or inside joke?  Nickel City reporter Jessica Galasso asked them to comment, and the advertising department and people connected her to five different departments.


Advertising Department:  "No comment on that" 


Computer room:  "I wasn't aware of that."


Public Relations: "I want' aware of that; I had no idea"


Editorial Department:  "Well, you know we had Y2K and all, there was a mix-up on the computer -- it was a mistake"


Editor:  "Mistake."


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